FiiO DSD硬解iPhone解碼耳放Q1 Mark II



寬無止境:FiiO DSD硬解iPhone解碼耳放Q1 Mark II -- HK$998 FiiO Q1 Mark II--the Native DSD DAC/Amp for iPhone FiiO Q1ii可說是辦認DSD檔案真假的神器 ,如屬於真DSD的檔案 ,前面將會亮起DSD燈作為顯示 !! 溫馨提示: 由於第一批Q1ii產量不多, 而且香港分配數量有限, 現我們公開發售10部, 先登記先得到!! (請PM留電話) 下次10月中之後才可再度供貨 FiiO DSD硬解iPhone解碼耳放Q1 Mark II在夏季發佈會上一經發佈,便在第一時間吸引了大批消費者的眼球,其感興趣程度不亞於旗艦播放機X7 Mark II。在大家焦急的呼喚聲中,它已如約而至。至此,FiiO夏季發佈會上的四款新品就已全部全面上市銷售啦! 讓大家如此期待的Q1 Mark II,有著怎樣的獨特設計和喜人之處呢? Q1 Mark II搭載XMOS平臺,最高支持取樣速率可達384kHz/32bit;更支持原生DSD輸出,最高可達DSD256;採用高性能的解碼、運放和耳放晶片;擁有蘋果官方MFi認證;一機四用:能讓你的iPhone發燒起來,也能解碼帶WM-Port介面的Sony播放機,還能為電腦解碼,更能作為播放機的耳放伴侶使用;支援雙路耳機輸出,平衡單端隨心切換;全金屬外殼,搭配精美外觀;更能自動識別輸入信號,以及增益和低音調節,就連配件都是處處用心。 此外,我們還為Q1 Mark II的用戶準備了一個大大的福利,由我們軟體團隊精心開發的FiiO Music iOS 版本的APP已通過前期的內測階段,將於近期正式上架供所有iOS設備使用者下載使用。FiiO Music iOS支持播放高取樣速率的無損歌曲以及DSD原生歌曲,操作習慣更貼合用戶,也更適合發燒友的對話模式,也能更好的搭配Q1 Mark II使用,敬請期待! Ever since its release at FiiO 2017 Summer Launch Event, the Q1 Mark II has soon caught the customers' eyes. The expectation for its coming is no less than the flagship music player X7 Mark II. Today, we welcome the arrival of Q1 Mark II in the call of the market. Being equipped with the XMOS platform, it supports decoding up to 384 kHz/32 bit PCM as well as DSD256; Employs exceptional DAC and amplifier parts; Official Apple MFi certification; Four-in-one: specifically designed for the iPhone, supports decoding Sony Walkman, partners well with your computer and perfect companion to players; Come with both a single-ended and a balanced headphone output, etc. Moreover, we've prepared a great bonus for Q1 Mark II users. The FiiO Music iOS APP that developed by our software team has passed its internal testes and will soon be available for download officially. The FiiO Music iOS supports playback of lossless music and native DSD formats, which is more user-friendly for audiophiles, more importantly, it's a perfect match for Q1 Mark II and iPhone.

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