FiiO FH1 (一圈一鐵明眸圈鐵耳機)




FiiO FH1 (一圈一鐵明眸圈鐵耳機) 深黑、冰藍、鮮艷紅和草綠四色可供選擇 black/ blue/ red/ green FiiO新品兩單元圈鐵耳機FH1有一個非常詩情畫意的代號--明眸,靈感來源於日全食,寓意象徵清澈的眼睛。 一圈一鐵兩單元,動鐵單元採用美國 knowles 33518,動圈單元採用直徑為10mm的高分子複合鍍鈦振膜單元;黃銅聲管;均衡調音,精准分頻;可換線繞耳設計;同樣也獲得了日本Hi-Res小金標認證。 細節部位更顯周到,線材部位金屬環,左邊藍色、右邊紅色,既時尚,又方便區分;外殼採用納米噴塗技術,防刮耐磨,佩戴舒適; 更有ABS電鍍銀色裝飾件點綴; 根據消費者建議改用90度彎頭設計。 深黑、冰藍、鮮艷紅和草綠四色可供選擇;配備3.5mm單端線控帶麥克風線材+2.5mm平衡線材;並標配6副矽膠耳機套以及防水防潮收納盒;嚴格品控。 售價698元,又給廣大初燒提供了一個非常不錯的選擇。 FiiO Dual Driver IEMs FH1 Carrying Knowles 33518 is Available!-- HK$698 Ever since its release at FiiO 2017 Autumn Launch Event, the FH1 has soon caught the customers' eyes with its attractive design. With the holiday season coming, let's welcome the arrival of the FH1! The FH1's name "Un Bel Oeil" is derived from the French way to say “a beautiful eye” - so chosen to reflect the FH1's oval, pupil-like design. This design is further enhanced with the presence of the chrome trim, specifically placed to recall one's eyelids. Apart from its design, let's check more details of FH1! ※ Hybrid Dynamic (Titanium)-Balanced Armature (Knowles 33518) design for double the detail ※ Brass for natural, effortless sound ※ Carefully-crafted crossover design for balanced, precise sound ※ Hi-Res audio certification ※ Freely switch between balanced and single-ended with standard MMCX connectors ※ Colors and texture for easy identification and replacement ※ Nano-coating for a better wearing experience ※ Easy to plug in with right-angles ※ Over-the-ear design for an enjoyable experience ※ Red, green, blue and black, for a more colorful you ※ Unexpectedly Thoughtful Accessories, etc

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