FiiO HS17記憶海綿套



FiiO HS17記憶海綿套正式開售!耳朵呵護從此開始 -- HK$98 FiiO Releases the Memory Foam Eartips HS17 如今,音樂就像氧氣一樣無處不在。清晨一首鬧鈴,路上一首電音,回家一首R&B。我們離不開音樂,同樣也離不開耳機。然而,長期使用耳機聽歌也存在著不少隱患,我們怎樣才能保護聽力不受損的情況下享受到好音樂呢? FiiO在推出F9 PRO時,為購買的消費者提供了一款記憶海綿套,在大家使用時意外得到了眾多好評回饋。為了讓更多用戶能購買到這款海綿套,享受別樣的好音質,我們將它命名為HS17並作為單品正式銷售啦! 海綿套對耳機使用過程中帶來最大的好處是,能減少耳道所受到的刺激和疲勞。由於採用了惰性記憶海綿,HS17有著強大的變形能力和恢復性,不會因耳道的擠壓變形而產生聲音波動。同時,佩戴上HS17海綿套後能有效阻隔外部多餘的噪音,優化耳機音色,更能使中頻更加圓潤,減少高頻刺感,無需加大音量也能帶來渾厚沉穩、層次豐富的低音效果。 The memory foam eartips provided in the FiiO F9 PRO have been very popular among the users. In order to let more customers to get these lovely eartips to enjoy high quality music, we hereby sell it separately with the name of HS17. It comes with 3 pairs in the same one-fits-all size. The greatest benefit of using the memory foam eartips is to reduce physical ear canal irritation and fatigue. Also, the HS17 can mold its shape to fit your ear canal exactly, much like a custom in-ear monitor. This provides the ultimate in comfort while wearing IEMs, further enhancing your musical experience. When worn, the HS17 effectively blocks out any sort of external noise. The HS17 is suitable for in-ear monitors with sound tube diameters from 5.1mm~6.3mm, such as the FiiO F1, F3, F5, F9, F9 SE, F9 PRO, and FH1. Please kindly note that memory foam eartips are consumable and are not meant to be used over long periods of time. They can easily deform and become dirty – please handle them hygienically and change to new replacement according to the condition of your own.

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