高保真HIFI ROSE RS-301非常精緻 (Made in Korea)



2018年度觸目產品 : 高保真HIFI ROSE RS-301非常精緻 (Made in Korea) -- HK$7880 Smart Living | Smart HiFi 創新設計,漸進式 在帶有前觸摸面板 iF Design Award 2018 Reddot Design Award 2018 PINUP Design Award 獲得了多項國際設計獎項。 ESS Saber的ES9018 DAC DSD 64/128/256, PCM 32bit support Class D類放大器 5" IPS Full HD Touch Panel Max : 50W output 另外,不僅可以播放音樂,還可以播放高質量的視頻, 您可以自定義和播放YouTube頻道, USB存儲器也可以播放, 無線傳輸功能,如AirPlay,藍牙, 定時器功能被執行。 高保真音頻RS-301 使用鋁的身體非常堅固, 表面也整齊地完成, 有一種奢侈的感覺。 將揚聲器放在左側和右側,增加聲道分離, 可放在任何地方的可愛大小! 您可以使用遠程應用在智能手機上選擇音樂, 整體操作也可以通過前面板進行! 它配備5英寸IPS面板,全高清分辨率 你可以看電影,圖標很漂亮, 左右捲軸也平滑快捷! 高音質音頻HiFi ROSE RS-301 由於其體積小,電源使用外部AC適配器, 電源輸入,USB(B)輸入,USB(A),microSD輸入, 有AUX輸入和耳機輸出。 每個左右揚聲器都有自己的端口, 負責高,中,低量程的單元分別設計, 放大是用一個小D類放大器完成的。 處理數字輸入信號的DAC 使用ESS Saber的ES9018 DAC芯片組, 如24位PCM和DSD 高音質音源播放是可能的。 韓國HiFi玫瑰延期音頻播放器“RS-301”將於6月1日發布。價格是128,000日元(含稅)。 RS-301 鋁合金外殼中帶有5.0英寸觸摸屏,共8個揚聲器,網絡功能等的一體式音頻播放器。它的設計理念是“在任何空間自然融合”,並贏得了國際設計大獎,如iF設計獎和Reddot設計大獎。 ESC的Sable ES 9018用於DAC和D類單路放大器,具有卓越的放大器相位特性。它對應於PCM 384 kHz / 32位,DSD 5.6 MHz的播放。 OS採用Android 5.0,1.2 GHz驅動四核CPU,1 GB RAM,內置8 GB eMMc內存。您也可以在觸摸屏上播放和觀看從YouTube或USB終端輸入的電影。 該揚聲器為20毫米的絲頂球形高音單元/2.5英寸中音/低音單元3路系統,額定輸出功率為40W。低音揚聲器通過專利技術“rPR(玫瑰無源輻射器)”成為無源型,可以在20 Hz的頻率下無失真地再現聲音。它還具有採用專有技術的耳機插孔,可將噪音和聲音質量降至最低。 揚聲器是3路方式低音單元是被動式的 3.5mm AUX-in,USB-A,microSD卡插槽作為輸入端子。通過使用USB-B端口連接到PC,它也可以用作PC揚聲器。作為網絡功能,它支持以太網有線連接,藍牙4.0,通過Wi-Fi無線連接。還支持AirPlay和DLNA,它可以播放PC和NAS的音源。您還可以收聽互聯網廣播和音樂流媒體服務Groovers +。 它對應於各種有線/無線標準 其他內置手錶,帶鬧鐘,可在指定時間發出音樂。智能手機應用程序“ROSEWARE APP”也可用於操作,例如聲源選擇。 PINUP Design Award iF Design Award 2018 Reddot Design Award 2018 IF design award 2018 https://ifworlddesignguide.com/entry/225917-rose-rs-301 reddot 21 award 2018 honourable mention https://red-dot-21.com/p/design-products/consumer-electronics/audio/rose-rs-301/ japan -- jpy128000 https://www.phileweb.com/news/d-av/201804/27/43891.html introduction https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=13799205&memberNo=5931703 Rose enlivens your space and music 1. 5" IPS Touch Screen 2. 32bit 384kHz DAC 3. Multiple Interfaces 4. Attractive Design and Size 5. ROSE TUBE 6. Clock & Alarm 7. Seamless Network Play 1. 5" IPS Touch Screen ROSE features a five-inch touchscreen on front, and an intuitive UI design for you to easily and conveniently choose functions; the sounds that you can see offers a new and refreshing audio experience. 2. 32bit 384kHz DAC RS-301 is equipped with a DAC, which plays high-resolution sound files such as DSD, MQS, and Flac to deliver you live experience with the distortion-free original sound anytime, anywhere. 3. Multiple Interfaces RS-301 meets your various audio needs with a wide range of ports for connection to different storage devices, headsets, and even PCs for the sake of playing high-quality sounds. (AUX/Headphone/USB/MicroSD/USB-B/Ethernet) 4. Attractive Design and Size RS-301 features the size and design that fits naturally anywhere in your space for you to enjoy high-quality sound anytime, anywhere. The premium aluminum body and the smooth-running circular volumewheel enliven your music and space with its exclusivity and sensuousness. 2018 iF Design Award Winner / 2017 PINUP Design Award Best of Best 5. ROSE TUBE Create your own playlist and experience different genres of music with recommendation from ROSE Server. Plus, the ROSE TUBE DIAL function enables RS-301 to play the YouTube videos selected on your mobile. 6. Clock & Alarm With the intuitive UI of RS-301, you can easily and conveniently set up alarms and make your own alarm sound by choosing your favorite Internet radio sound and music. Now start morning with your favorite music. 7. Seamless Network Play RS-301 supports not just basic wireless networks, such as Ethernet and WiFi, but also a range of wireless network solutions including DLNA, Airplay, and home network. Now RS-301 has made non-interruptive music experience easy and convenient.

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